Paull Village Enhancement Scheme - Introduction

The village of Paull is uniquely situated on the north bank of the Humber estuary. It occupies a position of significant natural beauty and the village has been designated as a conservation area. In close proximity to the estuary it is at constant risk from flooding. The Environment Agency has undertaken major flood defence work to the village, comprising of a substantial flood wall in the village itself plus rock armour banks to the north of the village, up to and including the Saltend chemical works.

aerial view of Paull
Photograph by Gary Banks; reproduced by kind permission of BP Amoco Chemicals

The third phase of this ongoing programme of flood defence involves plans for a managed retreat of the shoreline to the south of the village to incorporate earth banks and flooded saltmarsh and mudflats.

This work is in a very sensitive area, with potential for major impact on Ramsar* and SSSI* sites. The project will attract a lot of attention from environmentalists.

The Environment Agency has recognised the potential for major disruption to the village - whilst the full scope of the project has yet to be defined, even with mitigation the residual impact will be great. The E.A. have approached Paull Parish Council with a view to working with them and incorporating, where possible, the views of Parish Council members.

This document represents the initial views of Paull Parish Council : a detailed presentation has also been made to villagers and other interested parties, and further consultation will be held before the project commences.

*SSSI = Site of Special Scientific Interest; Ramsar refers to those specific wetland sites designated as being of international importance by the Ramsar Convention (signed in Ramsar, Iran.)

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