Extracts from the Environmental Agency Charter / Flood Defence Objectives
"Identifying opportunities for the enhancement of environmental, recreational and amenity facilities whilst undertaking flood defence works"................ specifically :
Protection and improvement
"Our role (also) includes protecting and improving the environment where possible. For example, we build flood defence schemes to try to prevent flooding - but which also fit in with the local environment. We also carry out schemes to improve habitats for plants and animals and to improve facilities for the public to enjoy."
"Recreation and access are (also) important parts of our work. Over 1000 sites we control are managed for recreational use. We also have a general duty to promote the recreational use of water and land throughout England and Wales."
Paull and its associated foreshore represents a unique locality on the north bank of the Humber to provide:
- Recreational areas - to include sport, picnic, walking, fishing and play areas
- Special amenity areas - including river access for water sports/pleasure
- Sites of archaeological / historical interest :
- Fort Paull
- St. Andrew's Church
- Paull Holme Tower
- Paull lighthouse
- Access to land/marsh areas which could form the basis of a combined Country Park and nature reserve
- Controlled access to SPA, SSSI and Ramsar sites - possible designation as a site of Nature Conservation Importance
- Formation of a nationally recognised and attractive rambling route - Paull to Spurn Point
- Establishing an important educational resource