A tour of the proposed Paull Village Enhancement Scheme : 7

view of Paull sea wall

This view shows the promenade / pathway as it extends below the raised bank (looking south). It illustrates the already popular path which gives spectacular views over the river. Originally river-edge handrails were present but have long been removed. The banked area lends itself to be used for rest /picnic areas, illustrated below as scooped-out basins with stepped access from the lower and elevated pathways. Whilst the path surface in the photograph appears to be sound, it rapidly deteriorates as the walker ventures south and is in very poor condition by the time we reach the furthest point seen in the photograph.

Recommendations are:

  • Upgrade the lower "promenade" pathway with improved edge demarcation
  • Provide approximately 4 "basin" areas as picnic points with seating and stepped access from lower and bank-top paths
  • Provide river-edge handrails for safety
artist's impression

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