Further (Hull) Tourism data of relevance:

  • In 1999 visits to Hull Museums amounted to 341,000. Predictions for 2000 are in excess of 500,000 (up 46%)
  • Day visitors to Hull in 1999 were 6.175 million (up 30% on 1998)
  • Day tourist accommodation rates in Hull were 289,000 (up 14% on 1998)
  • People employed in Hull tourism (direct/indirect full-time equivalent posts) were 2,640 (up 17% on 1998)
  • Tourism expenditure (accomodation, food/drink, shopping, transport and recreation) in Hull was £120 million (up 20% on 1998)
    Data from Simon Green - Hull City Council

Taking into account the fact that projected visitor numbers to Fort Paull were based on dats which did not foresee this rapid increase in numbers visiting the area and utilising the recreational attractions, actual visitor numbers to Paull could easily exceed 80 - 100,000 per year.

The Environment Agency indicates a commitment within their Charter to incorporate into their flood defence work improved access to land and water for recreation whilst generally enhancing the environmental, recreational and amenity facilities and improving habitats for plants and animals. The project clearly offers a unique opportunity to improve access to Paull foreshore and develop a combined Country Park and Nature Reserve for a growing number of visitors.

Paull Parish Council have developed ideas for the enhancement of the foreshore area, to the benefit of both the village and visitors alike. The draft ideas are presented in the following pages as "before and after" illustrations. The suggestions are considered realistic and are not considered to be cost-prohibitive within the overall project cost.

The feasibility study for the Fort Paull attraction is of the opinion that it would make an excellent contribution to the region's existing attractions, with the potential to become a "flagship" visitor attraction. The study estimates initial visitor numbers of approximately 68,500 visitors per year. The latest visitor information for the Hull area suggests this may be an underestimate. The Paull Enhancement project would benefit the vast majority of the new visitors and act as an independent attraction for many more.

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