A tour of the proposed Paull Village Enhancement Scheme : 3

view of Paull foreshore

At this point - corresponding to the southerly extent of the river wall flood defence improvements - we encounter a broad grassed area with a dilapidated pathway above a pebbled beach. At the point where the river wall deflects by 90 degrees a slipway access to the beach originally existed as did a boat house and a mortuary (which we don't wish to replace!) Handrails were originally in place but deteriorated to such a point that they had to be removed for safety.

Recommendations are:

  • Pathway demarcation / fabric improvement

  • Provision of new handrails (safety)

  • Levelling of grassed areas for picnic/amenity

  • Rebuilding of the slipway for boat launching

  • Boat marshalling/storage area

  • Tree/shrub screening adjacent to housing
artist's impression

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